POIC warehouse at the Dry Bulk Terminal

2 types of warehouses target for completion by Quarter 2/2019:-

  1. PKE/PKS Bulk Cargo Warehouse - a storage warehouse for export of PKE & PKS to the ship via the conveyor belt system

    Built up: 67,812ft2 (6,300m2)
    Size: 105m (L) x 60m (W) x 12m (H)
    Size per unit: 17,760ft2 (1,650m2)
  2. Bagged Fertilizer Warehouse

    Built up: 67,812ft2 (6,300m2)
    Size: 105m (L) x 60m (W) x 12m (H)
    Size per unit: 17,760ft2 (1,650m2)

Port of New Opportunities
Contact Us
POIC Logistics Sdn Bhd (Operations)
Telephone: 6089 883289 / 863289 / 862589
Facsimile: 6089 889289
E-mail: inquiry@poicport.com.my

POIC Sabah Sdn Bhd
Telephone: 6088 272261
Facsimile: 6088 272581 / 272580
E-mail: inquiry@poic.com.my